Our Mission

Sin City Witches

We are an eclectic social & educational organization for witches of all traditions in Las Vegas, Nevada.

  • Our mission is to unite, socialize, organize, educate and become active in the community.
  • We strive to shatter negative stereo types.
  • We are active participants in social and political issues facing witches in the Las Vegas area.
  • We are a force for charitable giving and social change.
  • We unite to fight prejudice and rejoice in a community of like minded individuals.
  • We seek common ground through acceptance of diversity in the practice of witchcraft & related spiritual paths.
  • We do not discriminate based on tradition or training.
  • We do request you are honest and come to any hosted events with clear righteous intention.

Our Mission:

  • To Discover (on a personal level) a deeper meaning of Magick and our connection to the larger universe as a whole.
  • To embrace the Goddess in all that we do.
  • To Discover ways to work with the natural cycles of the universe and our own personal cosmic timing to be in sync with the natural flow in order to create change & balance for personal / greater good where applicable.
  • To be inclusive and accepting of the diversity of nature and human kind .
  • To take action and be strong in the face of injustice.
  • To live a Magickal life and all that it implies to us personally .
  • To not judge or hurt others and be responsible users of Magick.
  • To create a wave of love and light that effects everyone around us .
  • To Be diligent in our pursuit of social and civil liberties for all regardless of race, religion, sexuality or sex.
  • To care about those less fortunate through action .
  • To educate and raise awareness without fear and to be proud of who we are spiritually.
  • To know we are all on a separate journey together… and everyone is on a different path to enlightenment & spiritual truth.
  • Magick is neither black nor white it is he manipulation of energy through ritual and will to illicit a desired response . The users intent is what determines whether it is for positive or negative.